I had a confusing yet comforting dream. I'm thankful I have a full Thursday today to live it out.
What did you dream of last night? Does it solve a problem?
I was told in the dream that once in a while, a short straight path is carved out for you. Jump in and walk to the end and you will come out successful.
Most people get distracted along the way and the path becomes a maze. You will get trapped in the maze and keep walking round and round forever.
It feels confusing yet comforting.
Should I take this as advice to stay focused on one thing? Does this mean I have to ditch my five-minute rule?
"Stay On Your Path To Success"
How do I know which path is the right path to success? I have so many plans.
I think it's ok to get distracted, but don't go too far, so that i can get back to the main path easily.
Use my checklist and pomofocus.
What happened yesterday?
- Checked How are my Crypto wallets - NFT Crypto Metaverse #...
https://adrianvideoimage.blogspot.com/2022/03/revamped-journal-nft-crypto-metaverse.html - Posted TikTok… How to connect two microphones to a camera #Vlogging #Wireless #Microphone #TechReview #LensGo #Tiktok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdLx2G1n/
- 👉Tested secret YM product.
- 👉Recorded Lensgo 384C Mic Review... Part 1 of the entire long YouTube version... https://www.videolane.com/lensgo/
- 👉 Started to Compile the latest videopad class recording and send it to paper cat
- 🤔Researched Upgrade gear and be ready to shoot anytime... Notebook Desk Mount Stand S$120 https://amzn.to/3L5OONo... Professional Live Stream Table Stand Laptop Arm Table Mount Stand Selfie Desktop Stand Monitor Stand Mic Phone Holder... https://shopee.sg/Professional-Live-Stream-Table-Stand-Laptop-Arm-Table-Mount-Stand-Selfie-Desktop-Stand-Monitor-Stand-Mic-Phone-Holder-i.7980631.4196957809?gclid=CjwKCAjwiuuRBhBvEiwAFXKaNIUWb9Q4LFCSNdUdtgUgcRIKsY8smiydC59aACTRBhttaOe5m1cGVxoC36wQAvD_BwE
What worked? Why?
- Using the 5-minute rule, I managed to get multiple tasks done.
What did not work? Why?
- I think I missed out on some important tasks that are not on this list.
- Tasks that clarify and track my main $15,000 goal.
- I got caught up in the small stuff.
What did you learn?
- iPhone and capcut will be my main tools for now.
- Remind myself the main goal is important.
🌞What can be done better today?
- 👉Complete Lensgo 384C Mic Review... All of the entire long YouTube version... https://www.videolane.com/lensgo/
- 👉Compile the latest videopad class recording and send it to the paper cat.
- 👉Track my $15k goals. Implement the habit into the checklist.
- 👉Outline and Promote the tiktok course and 1-on-1 coaching. Here... https://www.videolane.com/courses/
- 👉Test secret YM product.
- 🤔Modify BVC for more special effects video editing. Imitate my smartphone course. That's what people want.
- 🤔Prep upcoming Capcut and Tiktok talks and lessons. Modify online capcut class.
- 🤔 Upgrade gear and be ready to shoot anytime... Professional Live Stream Table Stand Laptop Arm Table Mount Stand Selfie Desktop Stand Monitor Stand Mic Phone Holder... https://shopee.sg/Professional-Live-Stream-Table-Stand-Laptop-Arm-Table-Mount-Stand-Selfie-Desktop-Stand-Monitor-Stand-Mic-Phone-Holder-i.7980631.4196957809?gclid=CjwKCAjwiuuRBhBvEiwAFXKaNIUWb9Q4LFCSNdUdtgUgcRIKsY8smiydC59aACTRBhttaOe5m1cGVxoC36wQAvD_BwE
What will stop me? How to overcome?
- Distractions... Just Go Back and Stay On Your Path To Success!
~ Adrian Lee
🐞 Is today a WEEKEND (Fri, Sat, Sun)? Don't start anything; clean up what I started. Successful people spend family time, Me-time, clear clutter, and strategize the week.
Note to self:
How do successful people deal with Stress... https://adriansjournal.blogspot.com/2022/03/deal-with-stress.html
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