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Sleep 7 1/2 Hours - 5-min Morning Journal #220308

 "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want."

Zig Ziglar

What did you dream? Does it solve a problem?

Can't remember the dream, but it feels confident. 

What am I thankful for right now?

I learnt last night that it is best to sleep for 7 1/2 hours for the body to fully recharge. So I set the alarm accordingly. Am feeling good now though I woke up an hour early...

What 1 task did I accomplish yesterday?

✨What 1 thing will I complete today?  

  • 👉 Post one video Shorts on ...
  • 👉 Vlogging - Organise an online class

Try a new pomodoro schedule today. 

~ Adrian Lee


🐞 Is today a WEEKEND (Fri, Sat, Sun)? Don't start anything; clean up what I started. Successful people spend family time, Me-time, clear clutter, and strategize the week. 
