Getting Things Done with Google Calendar Goals

It works, things got done… Clutter cleared, blog posts submitted, personal hobby achieved… All that done just this one Saturday morning!

It may be too soon to confirm if it will continue to work on me as this is the first time I am using Google Calendar Goals as a task manager.

  • I set the task, specify how long and how many times a week.
  • Google Calendar automatically schedules the time and dates.
  • I do the tasks and check them off.
  • I can choose to postpone any task and it reschedules.
  • The progress is measured graphically for that sense of achievement… And future motivation.

That’s automation!

One thing it can’t do though. That’s scheduling tasks with specific dates and time. Like weekends only or 5 am only.

However, I can change the date and time manually and the future schedules actually learn my preference.

Wow! That’s smart automation!

Adrian’s Journal

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