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Adrian's Journal 200803 - YouTube as a business

How to make money from YouTube? Treat it like a business.

How is my business?...

Let's start the day with the most important work🚩...
(Schedule 5-minute calendar slots for each)
  1. 🚩Project iSteady Pro 3 - 1 video
  2. 🚩Project Camo - 1 video
  3. 🚩Project FCPX - 1 video
  4. 🚩Project Yolobox
  5. Project iSteady X 
  6. Project MOZA Mini MX
  7. Project Smartphone Video Editing
Shut out interruptions (7am to 4pm) that does not add value to these stretched goals... 

Gumroad 1000 Visitors Challenge 
  • Yesterday. 178.
  • This morning. 175. Should I even promote something that nobody wants. 
  • Noon. 177.
  • Night. 179. 
Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge
  • Yesterday. 131 clicks. 6 orders. $0.
  • This morning. 8 orders. How to get more clicks?
  • Noon. 15 orders. Yeah!
  • Night. 165 clicks. 13 orders. $3. 
Youtube 18000 Subscribers up 20 overnight Challenge
  • Yesterday. 17260. Up 25.
  • This morning. 17270. Up 10. Am I diversifying too much?
  • Noon. 17272. Up 2. Maybe I am. Let's do some comparison videos related to smooth 4.
  • Night.  17280. Up 8.
New daily challenge... Micro vlog stories 20 times a day... promote all of the above... entertain, educate and engage... in that sequence.

What are some feedback to improve my 🚩work?

Adrian's Journal


Listened to a podcast...

Using Facebook live to quickly create content.

Why live stream or podcast?
Become the authority. Be at the top of the minds of your audience.

The five p of live streaming on Facebook. Planning, pre-promotion, production, post-promotion, repurposing.


Determine the Format...
Behind the scenes
Local spotlight
A day in the life
Sneak peek
Tips and advice

Choose a Theme...
Videography gear
Video editing software

Create a structured document...
Detailed introduction.
Bullet points body.
Detailed call to action. Including when I'm going live next.

Speak to your replay audience first. Then speak to your live audience as they come in. Don't spend too long on your live audience because it will become boring.
