"Samsung's new big-screen phones are expected to deliver better performance, more S Pen features and improved cameras. But the start of the show should be the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, which is expected to feature a 120Hz display along with a 108MP camera with 50x zoom." - https://www.tomsguide.com/news/samsung-galaxy-note-20-release-date-price-specs-and-last-minute-leaks
So, what are my goals expecting?
Let's start the day with the most important work🚩...
(Schedule 5-minute calendar slots for each)
- 🚩Project iSteady Pro 3 - 1 video
- 🚩Project Camo - 1 video
- 🚩Project FCPX - 1 video
- 🚩Project Yolobox
- Project iSteady X
- Project MOZA Mini MX
- Project Smartphone Video Editing
Shut out interruptions (7am to 4pm) that does not add value to these stretched goals...
Gumroad 1000 Visitors Challenge
- Yesterday. 179.
- This morning. 179. I should stop promoting something that nobody wants.
- Night. 181.
- Yesterday. 165 clicks. 13 orders. $3.
- This morning. Two orders from website.
- Night. 171 clicks. 2 orders. $18.
- Yesterday. 17280. Up 8.
- This morning. 17,285. Up 5. Same as gum road, let's niche down.
- Night. 17298. Up 13.
What are some feedback to improve my 🚩work?
Adrian's Journal
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