What should I post today?
The answer is double down.
Post what the community wants to see.
Yesterday posted a new video on YouTube.
A new product in the market.
It may not be what the tribe wants.
In the next video, do it a different way.
Present new stuff relating to the old stuff.
They must all contribute to the 3 goals.
Gumroad 1000 Visitors Challenge
- Yesterday. 183.
- This morning. 177. It seems only local FB audience is interested. Not enough. 👉🏼Let's spur an international audience to SVC starting from YT.
- Noon. 177.
- Yesterday. 139 clicks. 2 orders. -$10. MINUS!!!!!
- This morning. 4 orders from old videos. 👉🏼 Make a new YTAL video comparing atem mini with yolobox.
- Noon. 4 orders. Same. 👉🏼Boost the item just sold. Elgato camlink 4K. Ok... Boosted.
- Yesterday. 17194. Up 8.
- This morning. 17205. Up 11.
This week I have 7 projects 🚩...
(In order of priority... see calendar)
- 🚩Project Camo - 1 video
- Project FCPX - 1 video
- Project iSteady Pro 3 - 1 video
- Project iSteady X
- Project Yolobox
- Project MOZA Mini MX
- Project Smartphone Video Editing
Adrian's Journal
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