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Title: "MOZA Mini MX Review Part 2: Is it Compatible with My (Android) Phone?"
- . It's a video camera stabilizer.
- . it's also foldable and lightweight.
- . 2 ways to shoot videos
- . Native or Genie
- . as long as your phone can shoot video, and is less than 280g.
- . let's try it on my very old Android One phone to prove it... It does not have a built-in stabilizer...
- . what can you do in native?
- . record via Bluetooth.
- . horizontal and vertical.
- . 2 handles/grips.
- . go to the link below in the description.
- . joystick
- . FPV.
- . pan follow.
- . pan tilt follow.
- . inception mode
- . Trigger - lock mode, sport mode
- . upside down.
- . more than a stabilizer... Genie... What can you do in the genie... object tracking... smart gesture... zoom... pro mode...
- . to be fair... 3 things it could be better... I wish the angles were wider or even 360 degrees... I wish it was extendable to make it taller... and I wish it can do motion timelapse.
- . go to the link below in the description.
- . did I miss any gimbal trick? Slowmo? Timelapse? vertigo...
Next titles...
- Full features with Genie on iPhone SE
- Genie on old android phone
- Compare
- . no protruding arm to block my ultra-wide lens.
- . 6 ways to use a gimbal.
- about the battery life... 24 hours... bring along a power bank and charging cable... Just in case... My favorite is...
- . standby mode.
- one more... Fake drone shot.
- resolution
Adrian's Journal
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