Adrian Journal 200731 - managing multiple businesses

How to manage multiple businesses? That's the question I searched on YouTube this morning.

I found two different answers. 

1 answer is to hire managers to run your businesses and just deal with the managers instead of the business.

The other answer is to build multiple streams of passive income. Okay, I love this one.

Passive income includes posting content online, affiliate marketing, and selling your own digital courses.

So how are my multiple businesses doing?

Gumroad 1000 Visitors Challenge 
  • Yesterday. 188. Up 4. 
  • This morning. 183. πŸ‘‰πŸΌ plug the Gum Road link into the most popular post.
  • Noon. 183. No action yet. 
  • Night. 183. 
Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge
  • Yesterday. 160 clicks. 1 order. $6. 
  • This morning. Two orders. πŸ‘‰πŸΌ update the five most popular blog posts.
  • Noon. 2 orders. No action yet. 
  • Night. 139 clicks. 2 orders. -$10. MINUS!!!!!
Youtube 18000 Subscribers up 20 overnight Challenge
  • Yesterday. 17170. Up 9. Celebrate Small wins.
  • This morning. 17192. Up 22. Good job! πŸ‘‰πŸΌ leave comments everywhere.
  • Noon. 17186. What??? Minus 6! Investigate. 
  • Night. 17194. Up 8. 
New daily challenge... Micro vlog stories 20 times a day... promote all of the above... entertain, educate and engage... in that sequence.

This week I have 7 projects 🚩...
(In order of priority... see calendar)
  1. Project Camo - 1 video
  2. Project FCPX - 1 video
  3. Project iSteady Pro 3 - 1 video
  4. Project iSteady X 
  5. Project Yolobox
  6. Project MOZA Mini MX
  7. Project Smartphone Video Editing

Need to insert a simple affiliate disclosure statement for my blog posts and youtube videos. How's this?
"Disclosure:  I will earn a commission when you make a purchase through some of the links in this post."

Adrian's Journal


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