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Adrian's Journal 200723 - micro vlogging begins

What do do next after completing a major project? Which postponed tasks should I do first? That is my challenge today.

Yesterday, I completed and uploaded the Yolobox review video.

Today, what I could do is...
1. Continue other product review series
2. Create DoubleDown videos for the tribe
3. Or something else

What works? Micro vlogging.

What could be better? Add Micro vlogging.

Lets check the results...

Gumroad 1000 Visitors Goal
  • Yesterday. 227. 
  • This morning. 210.
  • Noon. 210. No promote no movement. 
  • Night. 213. 

Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge
  • Yesterday.   133 clicks. 3 orders. $8 earned. 
  • This morning. 2 orders.
  • Noon. 3 orders. 
  • Night. 133 clicks. 3 orders. $8 earned. 

YTVL 17000 Subscribers Challenge
  • Yesterday.  16973. Up 10. 
  • This morning. 16980. Up 7.
  • Time to double down on Smooth 4.
  • Noon. 16988. Up 8. 
  • Night. 16996. Up 8. 
New daily challenge... Micro vlog.

Do these In a recession...

What's trending?

What happened?

How is the tribe?

What did you learn?

What could be better?

Adrian's Journal
