It's day one of the videography and video editing course.
What's trending today?
Let's put on the best show. Record it for it shall be the last.
The results...
Gumroad 1000 Visitors Goal
Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge
YTVL 17000 Subscribers Challenge
- Yesterday. 238.
- This morning. 241.
- Noon. 241.
- Night. 242.
Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge
- Yesterday. 134 clicks. 3 orders. $46 earned. The question is... How to review high-end products without touching it... On video.
- This morning. 15 orders. 3 above $100. 2 printers and 1 capture card.
- Noon. 16 orders.
- Night. 156 clicks. 18 orders. $22 earned.
YTVL 17000 Subscribers Challenge
- Yesterday. 16503... Up 13.
- This morning. 16516... Up 13.
- Noon. 16528... Up 12.
- Night, 16535.... Up 7.
- Edit and post MOZA Mini MX
Noon. So far so good. The videography class recording is going well. Keep it up, remember to press record.
How's your day?
Adrian's Journal
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