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Adrian's Journal 200625 - iPhone SE Arrived

I am happy to post a TikTok video yesterday. There is a sense of satisfaction in making a video, yet I feel...

 It would have been better if I spent the time to make a video for YouTube Or even go Live on Facebook VL. Coz YT and FB are getting me results. 

So let's resume YouTube videos and Facebook live today.

Gumroad 300 Visitors Challenge
  • Yesterday. 275. 
  • This morning. 262.
  • Noon 266.
  • Evening 263.

Amzn 300 clicks / 10 orders / $50 sale Challenge
  • Yesterday. 158 clicks. 3 orders. $30 earned.
  • This morning. Two orders with one over $100. A card game. People are buying less and less. My visitor stats are still the same. Is it the economic situation? What do people buy in bad times? What products will thrive in those times?
  • Noon. 3 orders.
  • Evening. 183 clicks. 5'4 orders.$11 earned. 

YouTube VL 17000 Subscribers Challenge
  • Yesterday.  16213.
  • This morning. 16,221.
  • Noon. 16225.
  • Evening. 16246. 

New challenge...
1 FBVL LIVE, 1 VL , 1 YTVL, S$1000
  • Script
  • Live
  • Edit
  • Share
Stock Market Journal
  • Waiting for iPhone SE to arrive. 
  • Planning an unboxing video.
Research... iphone as webcam with USB cable
  • IVcam (PC only, iPhone and Android, Wi-Fi and USB, video and audio)
  • Epoccam (Mac and PC, iPhone and Android, Wi-Fi and USB, video and audio)
  • Iriun Webcam (Mac and PC, iPhone and Android, Wi-Fi and USB, video only)
What's trending?
  • Panasonic G100?
End of day
  • Received the iPhone SE delivery
  • Wrote a script for the unboxing
  • Going live on FB tomorrow for the recording

Adrian's Journal
