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Samsung Galaxy S10 Missing Pro Video Camera Mode Solved | Digital Lifestyle Report

What happened on Friday? What’s up this weekend?

  1. It’s Saturday! Going across the border with the family for a weekend of rest and relax. Yes, staying overnight. Feeling excited. Pictures coming in the next post.
  2. So, what about yesterday? Planned a video. Shot another video. Nothing edited. No video posted. Feeling unproductive.
  3. There is one breakthrough discovery though. An app to take the place of the missing pro video camera mode in my Samsung Galaxy S10.

All I need is manual controls over

  • White balance
  • Exposure and
  • Focus

I am not talking about photography, but about VIDEO.

  • Tried Adobe Premiere Rush camera. There are manual controls, but they stop working and go back to automatic after pressing the record button. That’s bad.
  • Tried the camera in the Zhiyun ZY Play app. There are manual controls. Works when recording. Resets to auto after every recording. That’s annoying.
  • Tried the camera in the Feiyu On app. No manual controls at all.

Finally, the app I used to recommend but overlooked.

Open Camera.

It’s free. It works.

It also frustratingly resets to automatic when switching between main camera and selfie camera.

I can live with that.

So I shot a video with Open Camera using manual control over white balance and exposure.

Video appearing in this space soon…after my holiday.

Adrian Lee

Picture of the night…

Picture taken with my Samsung Galaxy S10 Night Mode while it’s raining.

