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AdrianLee 7-step Video Marketing Strategy 2019 for more Sales and Leads

Are you wondering how to get more sales and leads with video content creation?

In this post I am going to reveal my latest seven-step video content creation process that I use to increase YouTube subscribers and some dollars.

Hi it’s AdrianLee from where you will see my not so private Journal.

If you are new here, make sure to click the Subscribe button and all the links mentioned in this post.

Let’s go straight to the point.

I have been posting videos on YouTube for years. It has been generating sales and subscribers but the numbers are not significant. Not enough to cover all my basic living expenses.

So I’m always learning the latest technique from other successful people.

The process I’m about to show you is a combination of strategies from the likes of Amy Porterfield, Keder Comier and Justin Brown.

Make sure to stick around till the end because I will also share a link to download your PDF checklist to get more sales and leads with video.

So here is my 2019 7-step video marketing strategy (AKA video content creation) for increasing sales and leads.

1. Blog the script. Headlines, Hook, intro, content, bonus, and cta.
2. Email blog to subscribers first with direct bonus download. Then change to opt-in to get bonus in blog after emailing.
3. Produce video and link to blog post for the bonus.
4. Post video to YT, VM, WP.
5. Post to LI for tags.
6. Download captions from YT then post to FB, IGTV, GB… TB, DT, SS.
7. Finally use share buttons on YouTube.

All seven steps are to be executed on a single day.

If you would like to download the detailed version of my 7-step video marketing process, write me a reply to this post and I will send you the private link.

Adrian Lee
