7 Youtubers I will Follow in 2020 | Adrian’s Journal #200102

Who am I following on Youtube in 2020?

I will reveal all my favorite YouTubers in the upcoming video content creation class on Monday… https://www.videolane.com/courses/basic-videography/

I will also be asking the course participants who their favourite YouTubers are.

In the meantime, here are my favourite 7 that inspired me to do what i am doing now…

  1. Casey Neistat…
  2. Nas Daily…
  3. LiZiQi…
  4. Sam Chui…
  5. Michelle Phan…
  6. Marques Brownlee.
  7. Keder Comier…

Who are you following on Youtube in 2020?

From the Journal of Adrian Lee – https://adrianvideoimage.com/


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