How to turn stress into excitement | Adrian’s Journal #191206

The fifth run, a new program, and long hair. How would participants react?

I will find out in today’s Smartphone Video Class

  1. I’ve rearranged the class program to be intensively more hands-on and interactive, aka action-packed.
  2. This is the first time I conduct the class with my new pony tail hair. Will it work?
  3. All 12 participants are corporate video creators. I don’t know what they want to learn. My heart is racing to find out.

Time to calm myself down.

How to turn stress into excitement

. Turn stress from threat to challenge (a game).
. See anxiety as excitement.
. Scientifically proven to improve performance.
. See hidden potential benefits of a situation.
. Remind yourself of your strengths.
. Get into the habit of thinking like an optimist.
. Notice the resources you have to help you deal with the situation.
. Good stress makes you productive and creative.

Do you have your own way to eliminate stress and anxiety?

Leave your answer in the comments below.

See you tomorrow!

From the Journal of Adrian Lee –

Feeling dizzy.


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