A Way to Help Florists and Graphic Designers Get More Business

On Friday, 14 May 2010, I invite you to attend our meeting of
Business Network International (BNI), at Wild Pot Cafe, SMU
Administration Building, on 81 Victoria Street #03-02 , at
7.30 am to 9.30 am. Fee: S$12.

Learn the BNI secrets to success through “word-of-mouth” marketing.

BNI is a business and professional networking organization whose
MAIN purpose is to exchange qualified business referrals to its

What makes BNI unique is that it allows only one person per
profession to join a chapter.

Once you’ve joined…your competition cannot.

Our chapter members are currently looking for additional professionals
in particularly FLORISTS & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS to whom they can
refer business. In year 2009 alone, our 16 members have passed and
closed business of just over S$4.6 million. On Friday, you will learn more
about the group and find out if a continuous source of referrals could
benefit your business.

You can expect:

Over 20 business professionals on-hand.
Potential referrals on your first visit.

Seating is limited, so please RSVP to me via SMS at 93865301 or

Adrian Lee
President, Rendezvous Chapter, BNI

Remember to bring lots of name cards.
Bring along a friend or colleague too.
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