Daily Blog 4 of 30 | The VLOG about the B and H Catalog and DR HDMI

According to B and H, e-commerce does not exist just on the internet but also on paper.

I am about to go online to purchase a new device when this catalog arrived in the mail.

Here’s a personal secret… I love the woody smell of freshly printed paper magazine.

It’s not just a catalog, but a magazine with lots of informative articles on Photography.

Take a peek… https://youtu.be/CeloF5WFNHE

I recorded this vlog with my Xiaomi Mi A1 Android ONE phone. Edited with Final Cut Pro X.

In the same video is a vlog about the online purchase that I made… DR HDMI: https://amzn.to/2sltflY

Update: The order was placed yesterday. Immediately, DHL says it will arrive today.

Subscribe to catch the arrival and review of the new DR HDMI.

Adrian Lee | http://adrianvideoimage.com/


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