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PSD to JPEG Converter - Freeware Review and Tutorial

Ever received a graphic in PSD format when all you needed was a JPG format?

Ever wanted to convert a PSD file on a PC without Photoshop?

Ever looked for a PSD to JPG converter that is free?

I have this DVD production project that needed customized packaging and printing. The client has his own design team to create the graphics, which they sent us in PSD format.

Our printing system required only a good JPG file to get the work done.

I do not want to disturb my ever busy Video Editor, so I searched and hunted for a software that can convert PSD to JPG and for free… and after a few minutes, I found it! :)

Here I will show you how easy it is to use. [Click here for full article on PSD to JPEG Converter...]


  1. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Nice Blog!

    XML to send application data to browsers and to business applications. XML is well suited for the interchange of data, since XML documents are self-describing, easily parsed and can represent complex data structures. Also, there is a wide variety of high-quality, inexpensive tools for parsing and transforming xml conversiondocuments. When using XML for data interchange, ideally, the sending application will be able to export an XML document, and the receiving application will be able to import an XML document. Unfortunately, many legacy applications use flat files to import or export data. So, companies will need to convert flat files into XML documents when sending data to XML-capable applications. Likewise, companies will need to convert XML documents into flat files that can be
    imported into legacy applications.

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