Drag video clip with eye bags and dark circles to the new composition button to create a new composition. Double-click the clip layer on the timeline. Press H to activate the Hand tool. Position the image in the monitor, so we can see the eyes well. Motion Tracking… Go to the main menu, and select Window > Tracker to open the Tracker panel. In the timeline, drag the playhead to the start of the clip. Inside Tracker panel, click Track Motion button. Inside the preview monitor, drag the track point to the eye. Expand the outer box (search region) to the whole eye and eye bag. Expand the inner box (feature region) to include all of the eye pupil. The plus in the centre is the Attach point. Inside the tracker panel, click the play button (analyse forward). Observe and wait for the analysis progress. Go to main menu, and select Layer > Solid to create an adjustment layer. In the Solid Settings window, make a white solid layer about 200x200 px. Click OK. In the Trac...