Adrian Video Image has posted a new item, ' Samsung Omnia 2 Password Problem ' You turn on your Samsung Omnia 2, enter your password accurately and nothing happens. What do you do? You are stuck in the password screen and there is not even a message telling you the password is wrong. The phone is now totally useless except to make emergency calls. ( Yes! That’s the Samsung Omnia 2 that I used before switching to iPhone. Passed it to my daughter. ) Instead of sending the smart phone to Samsung service centre, I decided to repair it myself. Most of the time, the service technicians at Samsung will just hard reset the device and give it back to me with all data deleted. I can do that too! Here’s how to hard reset the Samsung Omnia 2. 1. Remove the battery and put it back. 2. Hold the “call” and “hangup” buttons down together with 2 fingers. 3. With another 2 fingers, hold the “volume up” and “lock” buttons together....