Adrian Video Image has posted a new item, ' Nyan Cat: Lost in Space | iPhone Game ' I first came to know about Nyan Cat exactly one month ago when ReelSEO reported the top ten most watched YouTube videos of the year. It is a 4-minute animated low resolution graphic cat running non-stop with a catchy never-ending music. Then I found out that my 13 year-old kid actually knew out its existence and told me there was even a 10-HOUR version. At the time of writing this post, there were over 60 million views on the 4-minute version and over 10 million views on the 10-hour version. Today I stumbled upon the “Nyan Cat: Lost in Space” game in the iPhone app store. Curiously, I downloaded it. The free game is a bit old fashioned… Like playing Super Mario… Just running in one direction… Grabbing points and avoiding obstacles. It was addictive though… Because once in a while you get super...