"Top-5 Reasons Businesses Struggle With Sales": Join this webinar with Tom Abbott, sales trainer, coach and author, to learn why businesses struggle with sales and what they must do to prosper in 2011. During this webinar, you will explore: 1. The one thing you absolutely must do before pitching your ideas. 2. How your competition is helping you… without them even knowing it. 3. Which two words can overcome any objection. 4. Why how you say something is more important than what you say. 5. When working in your business does more harm than good. Participation is limited to 25 participants to optimize your interactive learning experience. For details please email: prosper@sohosalescoaching.com or visit http://www.sohosalescoaching.com/sales-webinars/ I will be there. Adrian Lee Http://AdrianVideoImage.com -- Adrian Lee http://VideoLane.com As Seen on YouTube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc0ZXlIAHp4 ----------------------------- VideoLane Pte Ltd 1003 Bukit Merah ...