Hosting a business network meeting for 35 business professionals? How to ensure the show run smoothly for the whole 90 minutes? Can you remember your lines and say them without a glitch and naturally? Those were the questions and more that ran through my head just before the meeting. This is the business networking breakfast meeting of the BNI Rendezvous Chapter. My role as the Chapter President is to chair the meeting and make sure we follow the agenda. I have conducted such meetings before, every Friday morning, but this one was different. This was our special Visitors Day where visitor count were more than members. Yes, there were butterflies in my stomach the night before and right before the meeting. I did everything I could to ensure my team and myself put on a good show. Arranged and reminded key members to play their important role. Discussed with our Vice President our coordinated speeches. I went further to search online for speech templates. Did not use the...