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Showing posts from February, 2008

CD DVD Duplication Made Easy

Vinpower Digital created a standalone cd dvd duplicato r with lightscribe label printer built in. In collaboration with LightScribe , the new system offer the ability to inscribe text and graphic labels directly onto CDs and DVDs without connecting to a computer. The SharkCopier LS is used as a cd dvd printer by first creating the label graphic art on a computer, then loading the image onto the duplicator for disc label duplication. Using the SharkCopier LS is easy with these simple steps. 1) Insert the LightScribe CDs or DVDs into the drives with label side face down 2) The duplicator will laser-inscribe the loaded image onto the discs 3) Flip the disc over in the same drive with the data side face down 4) The duplicator will copy the selected data The SharkCopier LS is available in various sizes from 1-to-1 up to 1-to-15. The major advantage of the SharkCopier LS system is that it eliminates the concerns of running out of ink or thermal ribbon commonly found in printer based...

Video Marketing Tactics "Dum Marketing" Review

My "To Do" list is getting longer. There is more and more things to learn and do to develop my business online. Offline, I make videos for a living. So when someone writes a report about Video Marketing Tactics that suck in profits, I HAVE to read it. As the title implies, this 13-page report is written like the famous "Dummies" book series. It is a free download with "rebrand" option. The "Dum Marketing" Technique is a unique funnel concept that is used in brick-and-mortar malls. It explains the trick to attract visitors to buy your first product and subsequently entice them to buy more from you. It has clear flow charts to illustrate the process step-by-step. There are 5 practical examples of how to use video with this technique. This is the section which I will refer back again when I take action (more things added to my to do list again). Here is one example: "You’ve just created a hot little special report and instead of gi...

Blu Ray Is In, HD DVD is Dead!

The battle is finally over. No need to decide whether to produce Blu-ray or HD DVD Discs. The winner is Blu-ray ! "Sony and its Blu-ray buddies are going to make like VHS and party like it's 1989." Here are the news. Read all about it... HD-DVD Death Made Official - Wired Toshiba Quits HD Format War Blu ray The Winner - Smart House News Toshiba to Give Up on HD DVD - R.I.P. HD DVD: Toshiba reportedly ends the war - CNET Toshiba to exit HD DVD, end format war - Reuters Toshiba finishing format war, pulling plug on HD-DVD - XboxNowOnline Game Over For HD DVD; Toshiba To Cease Production of HD DVD - Gaming Bits Blu-ray wins HD DVD format wars as Toshiba exits market! - VideoGamesBlogger Toshiba pulling HD DVD support, Blu-ray has won the war - Gadgetell Toshiba to Withdraw HD DVD Format -Techtree Microsoft Planning Blu-ray For Xbox 360, Following Fall of HD DVD - dBTechno Toshiba To Halt HD-DVD Production - Slashdot Has Blu-ray won? HD-DV...

Men Like YouTube, Women TV Shows

It is found that women prefer watching online streaming tv shows, while men want to watch consumer-generated content from sites like YouTube. Here's the news ... Adrian Lee

A Free Video: Steps to Make Money Online

Check out this free instructional video from online marketing genius, Derek Gehl: Watch this Video! In just 30 minutes, he gives you the complete "3-D" snapshot of the steps you absolutely MUST take in order to build a REAL money-making online business. It'll give you a good understanding of what you REALLY need to do to build a successful business that makes real money online! Thanks for watching! :) Watch this Video! Adrian Lee

Rat Video Featured on YouTube Front Page - THANKS ALL!

Here is a short note to thank friends and readers for passing around my Youtube "Ratty" Chinese New Year (CNY) Video Greeting card . The Youtube editors featured it on the Front Page of Youtube 2 days ago. Click on picture to have a closer look. Here's the video... LOOK at the stats! The web TRAFFIC to my site surged! Got to go... The busy Chinese New Year festivity is still going on. When I get back tonight, I will report on the detailed steps and what I did to get the video worthy to be featured on Youtube. In the meantime, keep updated by subscribing to this blog feed. (Or enter your email on the right hand side, if you are on the blog itself.) Thanks for watching! :) Adrian Lee

Shot with Sony HDR-SR8. Edited with Sony Vegas Pro. presents... "Rats Steal Tarts" - A stop motion animation for the Chinese New Year 2008 celebration, the year of the rat. Produced by Adrian and Cheryl Lee. Shot with Sony HDR-SR8. Edited with Sony Vegas Pro. Edited on Acer Laptop. Starring chinese new year food stuff, chocolate rats and pineapple tarts. Thanks for watching! :) Adrian Lee