Branding and Marketing with Viral Video Ads...
7 tricks to Viral Web Marketing... 1: Make people feel something (forget neutral...) 2: Do something unexpected (forget about trying to make it look cool...) 3: Do not try to make advertisements (tell a good story...) 4: Make sequels (blog, blooper, behind the scenes, extra goodies...) 5: Allow Sharing, downloading and embedding 6: Connect with comments 7: Never restrict access! 3 Rules For Managing Viral Marketing... Experiment, Monitor and Respond. Why is viral marketing different from traditional marketing? 1. Success bares no relation to investment 2. Viral Marketing does not have a timeline 3. Number of views bare little relation to reach or impact of Viral Marketing Marketing's Viral Goldmine... "A record sum of money is expected to be spent by businesses desperate to cash in on the pass-it-on phen...